Workshop Terms & Conditions

Effective date: January 2023


Booking Conditions

Please take the time to read and understand the conditions of booking a workshop with Petra Erving and Aftercare Academy



Any deposits are non-refundable. If your booking is made within 30 days of the workshop start date, then the full amount is payable at the time of booking which includes your non-refundable deposit.



Payment is either in full or instalment plans as agreed between Petra Erving and the student.  

All workshop prices are quoted in GBP.

Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy is not responsible for any fees incurred due to currency exchange or fees charged by your credit card/bank for processing funds in another currency.


Passport And Visa

If you are traveling from outside of the United Kingdom, you must carry a valid passport and have obtained all of the appropriate visas, permits, and certificates for the countries which you will visit during your trip. Your passport must be valid for 6 months beyond the duration of the trip. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct visas, permits, and certificates for your trip. Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy is not responsible if you are refused entry to the United Kingdom because you lack the correct passport, visa, or other travel documentation.



Workshop prices do not include national or international airfare or accommodation. We strongly recommend you wait until the workshop is confirmed to run before booking airfare or making any non-refundable travel arrangements.


Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is recommended for all travellers, and if purchased, should be taken out at the time of booking. Your travel insurance should provide coverage against personal accidents, death, medical expenses, and emergency repatriation with all recommended minimum coverage of GBP 200,000. I strongly recommend it cover cancellation, curtailment, and all other expenses that might arise as a result of loss, damage, injury, delay, or illness preventing your trip or inconvenience.


Right To Refuse Service

Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy reserves the right to accept, decline, or retain any person as a participant at the Workshop at any time without liability and without any obligation to pay a refund or any other amount whatsoever. The Workshop organisers take no responsibility or liability for any participant who leaves the Workshop before its conclusion or for any activity undertaken by any participant that is not included on the Schedule of Events or other itineraries.


Cancellation Due To Workshop Booking Numbers

Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy reserves the right to cancel any Workshop before commencement if there are too few people booked in which case you will be offered an alternative workshop first. If the dates of the alternative workshops aren't suitable, we will hold your name on a waiting list for the next available suitable workshop. With regards to refunds, this is a complex matter because the training is blended online and in-person. If you are unable to attend the alternative dates offered, we will refund you the amount you have paid, minus the cost of the online portion of the workshop (£997 for the Advanced Postoperative Therapy workshop). You can still complete the online theory and join an alternative in-person workshop in the future and pay the relevant course fee minus the cost of the online theory portion. (see 10.7 in the General Terms and Conditions:

You will not be entitled to claim any additional amounts or seek any compensation for any injury, loss, expenses, or damage (either direct or consequential) or for any loss of time or inconvenience that may result from such cancellation (including but not limited to visa and passport fees and expenses, flights, flight cancellation and reservation fees, and vaccination costs). Again Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy recommends that you purchase travel insurance. Workshops will be confirmed one month prior to the commencement date. You should wait until the workshop is confirmed before booking any flights or accommodation. If you need to book before the workshop is confirmed, then ensure the flight and accommodation dates can be cancelled or changed. If you book non-refundable flights or accommodation before the workshop is confirmed, you do so at your own risk.



Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy reserves the right to make changes to any aspect of the Workshop if, at the absolute discretion of Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy it is necessary to do so due to conditions that may be hazardous or due to any other adverse or threatening conditions such as weather, political, military, terrorist or otherwise or for any other reason considered necessary by Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy.

Petra Erving and the Aftercare Academy reserves the right to make changes to the schedule of training. If any changes take place, the student will be informed via email.



Cancellations By Participant

If you as a Workshop participator have to cancel a workshop for any reason, including but not limited to bad weather, natural disasters, acts of terrorism, flight delays or cancellations, illness, health conditions, medical or personal or family or work emergencies, or change of mind, the policy is as follows:


  • Deposits (if relevant) will not be refunded.
  • If you cancel more than 90 days in advance of the Workshop start date, a full refund, minus a non-refundable deposit will be given.
  • If you cancel within 60 days of the Workshop start date, a 50% refund minus a non-refundable deposit will be given.
  • If you cancel within 30 days or less of the Workshop start date, no refund will be given.
  • If the participant has to leave before its conclusion, refunds will not be made for the unused portion of the trip. No refunds will be made for any excursion, meal, yoga class workshop, or other activity that the participant misses or decides not to participate in for any reason.


Cancellation By Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy

Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy also reserves, in their absolute discretion, the right to cancel any Workshop due to any material change in any government travel warning or advisory. In this event, we will do all we can to transfer any payments you may have made to a future Workshop with Aftercare Academy. If we cannot offer you an alternative date, your investment will be refunded.


Further information on Refunds

Once the Workshop has been completed no refunds will be given.

Once the online learning portal has been accessed, no refunds will be given.


Force Majeure

If Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy are prevented from performing any of their obligations under this Agreement by acts of God, strikes, trade disputes, fire, weather, breakdowns, interruption of transport, government or political action, acts of war or terrorism, acts or omissions of a third party or for any other cause whatsoever outside Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy reasonable control, Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy will be under no liability whatsoever to you and may either cancel or postpone the Workshop.



I acknowledge that travel to foreign countries may involve many risks not known to me, Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy representatives, agents, or anyone else attending or participating in a Workshop or other Program. These risks may not be reasonably foreseeable at this time or at the time of the Workshop or Program in which I participate, and may not normally be associated with travel. I knowingly and voluntarily agree to assume any risks associated with such travel.



I am aware of and hereby acknowledge the inherent risks associated with Workshop or Program activities, including, but not limited to, the risks associated with treatment skills taught, additional activities and experiences, mountain or nature excursions, hiking, swimming, foreign travel, and any other activities associated with the Workshop or Program I am attending. I am aware of the risks of injury, death, and property damage that may result from, among other causes, the acts or omissions of Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy, and their owners, operators, officers, employees, independent contractors, representatives, and/or agents. I further assume all risks associated with my participation in the Workshop or Program including, without limitation, the risk of negligent or intentional acts or omissions or theft by other participants or third parties, and the risk of injury caused by the condition of any property, facilities or equipment used during the Workshop or Program.




I, in exchange for £100 (included in the total payment for the Workshop or Program), voluntarily and while realizing the full legal significance of my action, waive and release, on behalf of myself, my heirs, and my estate, all claims of whatever nature against Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy and their owners, operators, officers, employees, independent contractors, representatives, and/or agents including, but not limited to, claims of any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay, irregularity or expense caused by strikes, war, weather, sickness, quarantine, government restrictions, or arising from any act or omission of any steamship, airline, railroad, bus company, hotel, restaurant, school or university, firm, agency or individual, or for any other cause whatsoever arising out of, resulting from or in connection with the Workshop or Program.




It is expressly understood and agreed that Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy is not providing personal chaperones or supervision concerning this Workshop or Program and that I am responsible for my conduct, health, and safety at all times. I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy, and their owners, operators, officers, employees, independent contractors, representatives, and/or agents for any demands, costs, losses, expenses, claims, recoveries, judgments and liabilities (including attorneys’ fees) of any nature arising out of, or in consequence of, my acts, words, conduct, etc. in any way connected with my participation in the Workshop or Program including, but not limited to, damage to property, any injuries or death sustained by any person(s).




I understand that the destination, venue, local custom, political upheaval, or other political issues and/or prevailing weather conditions may cause minor inconvenience or modification to portions of the Workshop or Program. Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy reserves the right to modify and/or cancel any aspect of the Workshop arrangements due to reasonable circumstances.




I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that all necessary travel documents such as passports (at least six (6) months before expiration date), visas, and relevant qualifications (if applicable) are obtained and are valid.


I understand that Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy reserves the right to require travel insurance for any Workshop or Program if students are attending from outside of the United Kingdom and further recommends travel insurance for all Workshops or Programs. Obtaining travel insurance is my responsibility and Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy is not liable for any damages arising from my failure to obtain travel insurance.




I am in good health, have no physical conditions that affect my ability to travel and/or participate in any of the activities involved in this Workshop or Program, and I have not been advised otherwise by a medical practitioner. I acknowledge that Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy is in no way responsible for any costs related to my medical care.




This Waiver shall be governed by the laws of Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The parties agree that any lawsuit brought to enforce the terms of this Waiver and/or to recover any alleged damages arising from this Waiver or from participation in a Workshop or Program must be filed in the County Court, Belfast, Northern Ireland and each of the parties consents to the jurisdiction of such court (and of the appropriate appellate courts) in any such action or proceeding and waives any objection to such venue.



This Waiver is a legally binding agreement and will be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.



If any provision of this Waiver is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Waiver shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be impaired.



I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Waiver, understand its contents, and understand that this Waiver includes a release of liability and an assumption of the risk. I acknowledge that Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy is materially relying on this waiver and is allowing you to engage in activities including but not limited to treatment skills, additional activities and experiences, excursions, etc.



Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy may use any pictures or videos taken of participants during the Workshop or Program. This includes digital images that may be posted on our website. By participating in any Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy Workshop or Program, I agree that I am consenting to the use of my image or likeness by Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy for any purpose, including but not limited to electronic and printed promotional material.



 Any pertinent information, including any social, emotional, or physical problems that might limit your active participation in Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy Workshops or programs must be discussed with Petra Erving before acceptance and attendance in a Workshop or Program. We want this to be a successful experience for the participant and Petra Erving, Aftercare Academy.


Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about this Workshop please contact us:

  • By email: [email protected]
  • By visiting this page on our website:
  • By phone number: +44 7762 386896 or +34 711 054 555